Friday, December 31, 2010

November 24, 2010 -letter

Hello Family!!
 Whats going on??? As always things are really good here. I think the letters that are sent from here take forever to get home, I've sent you a couple lately but I’m not sure if you got them yet. Today is my new P-day. Last Tuesday Elder Robertson and I were transferred. Elder Robertson went home last Friday, he found out his gma had cancer and that was the last straw. He never really told me a lot about what was going on, what I do know is that right before he left a girl he had dated a few months before called him a hypocrite and he was having a hard time with the fact that he might be a hypocrite and he still had Christ’s name on his chest. He never told me this part but I think something happened in the residence hall that made him uncomfortable, I think it was just showering or something, I don’t know. We were put into a new district because the MTC didn't want him to blame anything on them as far as organization and obedience is involved. It’s really complicated and probably really confusing to read about, but it’s all over now. This week I have been grateful for the weight of district leader being lifted from me. That last district was a rough situation, three of the elders were threatened to be sent home, I had a tough job of trying to keep them in line. I am glad to be where I am now, I have already had five companions assigned to me and I've slept in 4 different beds, so my MTC experience is already something more special and different than anyone else’s.

I am in a threesome now, E' Kay from Swan Lake and E' Mcneil from California. I’ve only been with them since yesterday but they are cool. E' Mcneil reminds me of David Cache Morgan, except multiplied by 5. He is District leader and he rules with an iron fist. E' Kay is the only other farm kid that I’ve been around and I’m glad to be with him, I think we'll be good friends.

Well you are basically up to date on my life now, Spanish is ok. The first week it was easy to see the improvement, it seems to be going a little slower now. Teaching however is fantastic, it so great to teach with the spirit. 

I am dying to know where Mariah got her call to!! We haven’t had any mail delivered to us since sat. Hopefully I’ll find out tonight.

There is a really warped sense of time here, I no longer have the ability to tell what time it is throughout the day. Maybe that’s messed up because I wear a watch now, I don't know. The days seem like weeks but looking back the weeks seem like days. 

I love to hear how you are all doing, I’ll try to write letters later. Thank you so much for the pictures!
love elder waite

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