Hello Family,
Man I have so much to tell you, I'm going to start with sat. morning. My roommates and members of my district left around 5 and woke up around 3 to finish packing. So I didn't get much sleep. I was supposed to leave at 7. Nothing exciting happened until i was on the bus. I can't tell you how weird it felt to be outside of the MTC looking at it and thinking about the last two months. It was a really funny feeling. We got to the mission office around 8, had breakfast met the President and his wife, had interview and such. we were supposed to meet our companions at 10. We were notified that only 3 lucky missionary's would be getting to speak Spanish, there are 19 visa waiters. I was sure that I wouldn't be picked to go to a Spanish speaking area. During my interview with the Pres. he asked me how my Spanish was. I said 5... meaning on a scale of 1 to 100 but i think he though I meant on a scale of one to ten, because I was put in Spanish area!! I couldn't believe it. Only 3 of 19 and I was one of them.
I was pretty nervous when I found out, but its been a blast so far. I am companions with Elders Pedera and Rutherford, both are from Cali and E' Pedera is pretty much a native speaker but also speaks perfect English. Our ride that took us back to our house is named Joe, and he is homeless, at least that's what I thought. He looks homeless. he is a guy that lives around this area he actually has a house but none of the missionary have ever seen it... so it was culture shock right off the bat, even here in the salt lake valley.
Our area is called Olympic Park 3, we are in Kearns. It is a combination of two stakes to make a ward. It is a very strong ward, with lots of opportunities to use the members. After we went to the house and dropped off my stuff we went right into some appointments we had. I can't believe how many non-members around there are. And how many people speak spanish, we are in a pretty poor area but it still suprised me.
My first house we went to was a young less active fam, they were baptised not to long ago but they haven't been coming to church, we taught the Plan of Salvation, I taught about the fall and the telestial kingdom. I didn't say very much.. I was really nervous. It was really fun though. After that we had a dinner appointment with a family who moved here from Blackfoot, they fed us really good food. chile relleno, and it was hot! but i really liked, i handled it better that both my companions though. All the rest of our food has been pretty mild.
I'll just tell you a little about one of our new inv. His name is Sergio, we met him on Sunday He just moved in with a member family, I don't think he knew what he was getting into. He doesn't speak any English and its been cool to talk to him, what little I can, in Spanish. We taught him last night, he had a few questions right at first, we answered them and I think he even accepted our answers. We taught him the first lesson, I don't remember what part I taught but the spirit was there. Especially when he prayed at the end. It was really fun, I feel closer to this investigator because I met him right off the bat, all the others I have been introduced to.
Spanish is ok, its pretty hard for me to speak but I can usually understand what everybody is saying, and I can read the scriptures. I don't like the Mexican accent, it is so hard to understand... the word 'pues' is sort of like the plauge of the word 'like' in english, but now that I look for it I can understand more. The only problem is my comp uses it more than anyone esle.
I'm loving this. Kearns is cool.
I love you guys and hope you are well.
E' Waite
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