Monday, November 5, 2012

July 2 - July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012
Hello Family!!

It's really good to hear from you. Thanks for writing me Janie, I'd love to talk to you also. I am doing super good - I still feel super skinny from being sick, and everybody comments that I look different. You don't need to worry anymore, I am healthy and well. I spent lots of money on doctor appointments and medicine (you might have noticed on my LSB account).  I kept track of all the money spent and it will be reimbursed by the church.

Aunt Ann has a housing development? I hope to be able to go to the temple with Grandpa as well, do Gma y Gpa Waite still work in the temple?  Hannah, I am sorry for the bad run in you had with those dang protestors in Manti.. there aren't very many that we deal with, congratulations for trying to missionary work.

Yesterday went ok for us, but it could have been better. I would like that more people would like to go to church. It might be our fault that they didn't go. Also Erika was going to get baptized, she is the daughter of Araceli who was baptized last week, I'm pretty sure I sent a picture, Erika is the one with sunglasses or if she doesn't have the glasses on you can identify her because she doesn't have an eye. She is really cool, loves to read and learn about God and has lots of faith in him. The church is good for her because she doesn't go to school because kids are mean to her. Getting to know her has taught me lots, mostly the words that Mom or Dad says are ringing ever more true 'if you can’t say anything good, don't say anything at all' there are lots of problems that come just because some people just can’t keep their mouths shut. Her baptism fell for various reasons, mostly opposition from the devil. I hope to report that she gets baptized this week. I have been thinking about charity, Moroni 7:45-47 and how the lack of it causes problems. Also I have been memorizing Helaman 5:12 and the question that we can all ask is: What am I doing to build my foundation in a sure place?

Love you guys!!
Elder Waite

July 23, 2012

Hey Family,

I haven't read your email yet because I started right off sending you some pictures. They are of most of the baptisms that we have had in Garcia. This morning the other elders here were notified of a change, they will both be leaving and just my comp and I will stay, that is pretty big news. Also we are no longer a branch but a ward - yesterday was ward conference and they gave us the big news. Also today at 7:30 is the ground breaking for our church house; it will be stake center size because of the rapid growth that is expected here.

I am doing better but not perfect yet.  I was diagnosed with a stomach infection and was taking some medicine but didn't see a change. I went to a better hospital and was told the same thing but was given stronger medicines. The problem is that I have still felt just as sick, only the sick feeling is a little different. Sister Swapp thinks it’s just because of the medicine. I am not hungry at all and last week ate very little,. Since she told me that, I have been trying to eat more because medicine on an empty stomach would make it worse, we'll see what it is. I am about sick of Doctors and pills so I hope I get cured soon. Thanks for your prayers on my behalf.

For the pictures, I'm not sure what order they are in but here is a quick resumen. The picture that looks like heaven with the trees and the elders walking is leaving our house. That is the only part of the country that is like that, the rest is pure dust and cacti. Baptism: Juan Antonio (60), Martha (60), Araceli (35), Daniela(9), Angela(9), Edgar(14), Jazmin (22).


I love you guys,
Elder Waite

July 15, 2012

Hello Family,

I am glad to hear you are all doing well. I am doing alright; the good thing is the work here is still going on at full speed. Yesterday we baptized Martha, I haven't told you much about her, she is Jazmin`s mom. They live right behind our house - the first or second day here we contacted them. She was pretty hard to understand and win her confidence. She has lots of questions but never asks the questions in a direct way so it’s kind of a shot in the dark thing every lesson we have. She and Jazmin are really excited and I hope Jazmin is going to have a calling one of these Sundays. The mother of the girl we baptized last week gave us a reference that went to church, his name is Juan Antonio. He seems to accept everything we say, however he also says that it seems like he has heard it all before and that there is nothing new in the message that we have than all the others. I was pretty stunned when I heard that, nobody has ever said that to me before so we are looking for a way to get to him. He liked church and said he wants to come more, hopefully he will find what he is looking for. Also there are two boys that go to church alone - I think their mom is a member also but she must work on Sunday because she never comes; the half brother of the two boys went to church with them. He is from Veracruz and just moved here, we will be working with him as well.

As you can see the work is going on well, which is a testimony to me that no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; missionaries may be sick in bed and only be able to leave the house for a couple hours a day but the purposes of God shall be accomplished. I got sick again, I'm still not well but I am better. Someone told me that my “best if used by” date was up. I am having really sharp pains in my stomach, with the runs. On top of that I got a cold with a fever. It was over 100 degrees and I was sleeping with a blanket. I'm basically past the cold, all that’s left is the annoying snot that coagulates at night, the stomach pains continue. I 'm not sure what it is and medicine doesn't help, I would appreciate you prayers please. Sorry to ask for more.

You are great and I love you. When is the hike going to be? I hope you are all well and enjoying the blessings of the gospel.

Elder Waite 

July 11, 2012

Hey Family,

Sorry if this will be short again. I’m super frustrated at these Mexican computers. Thank you for the pictures sent. Good week this week; 1 baptism and 2 confirmations, and Martha is going to get baptized this week wahooo!! I am also frustrated with my bike having lots of problems. I've put so much money in it I’m thinking I need to send it home to still get good use out of it. I might have to take more money out of my account.

I feel we are doing well but could be doing better, the problem I have right now is that we have people to baptize so it’s been a little hard to keep looking. This will present a problem in the following weeks - we worked our tails off, found a bunch of people and now the thing that my body is pleading is a rest. I know if I don’t keep finding new people the baptisms are going to stop. I remember hearing a talk from President Eyring about when he was so tired he thought he couldn't do more. I’m pretty sure it was from a priesthood meeting. I feel like that, I hope I can do the same as him and work hard for Him.

I hope I will be able to see the pictures that you sent, the internet is super slow and struggling but thanks Sadie for taking them. Happy Idaho and Independence Day!

Elder Waite

July 2, 2012
Hello family,

I am super glad to hear from you, and especially glad to hear that you are well. I am also sorry that I haven’t had time to write much. I'm not sure how much time I will have today. Last week I tried to send some pictures - however I don’t think it worked. The internet seems really slow in this little town. I got a sweet package, thanks so much, the granola was legit. I had bought some from a store but yours is so much better.

We have been doing well lately, this last week we had two baptisms (Jazmin, 22 - it took her a while to accept because of family opposition and school; Daniela, 9 - a daughter of a less active member that we found) one confirmation (Belen - she was baptized before we got to the area, just hadn’t been confirmed yet) and we have someone to baptize this week (Angela, 9  -another child of a less active member, she loves the church so much that she got mad at her mom for ever leaving.. that was sort of a weird conversation). I feel like all the hard work is finally paying off.

I really enjoy being in this area, there are so many places to go. Last week we went on a sweet 15 mile bike ride/hike, and this week we went on another one a little further. It’s kind of nice not having other missionaries close.

I have been enjoying many spiritual experiences lately. President and Sister Romney left.  Last Monday they came and talked to the zone; they invited us to commit ourselves to do several things like read and pray daily, stay in contact with converts, and search our bishop out and tell him we were ready to serve and smile (from Sis. Romney). The Romneys are cool, they are the type you could call salt of the earth but they’ve still got style. I feel like they really adopted me and taught me many things. Sister Romney gave us all a hug and to me she didn't say goodbye or we'll see you later she said "I’ll talk to you when you get home." That sort of caught me off guard, but they expect to be a part of our lives, she even told us we couldn't get married until we talked to her. I forgot you got to talk to her, sorry about that; did I really bounce my account? Sorry for the scare, having the mission president’s wife call is sort of like getting a call from the police late at night. President and Sister Swapp got here on Friday. I talked to President Swapp on the phone to invite him to the baptism. We were planning on 5 people between the two companionships in Garcia.  Poor President Swapp seems really excited to do all he can to lead us, but they didn’t end up coming.

Thanks for all you do.

I love you,
Elder Waite

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